ASCB|EMBO 2017menting-环球风云-资讯-生物在线

ASCB|EMBO 2017menting

作者:北京隆福佳生物科技有限公司 2017-10-13T14:20 (访问量:11949)

We will exhibit at the first joint ASCB | EMBO meeting.You are welcome to drop by our booth!The booth #833



Meeting time:2017.12.2-2017.12.6



Meeting Overview

This doorstep symposium features leaders in the cell biology of brain development, function, and degeneration, including investigators whose studies of protein folding and intracellular trafficking have yielded insights into neurodegenerative diseases as well as investigators whose studies of brain development and brain disease have uncovered a central role for critical cell biological processes.

Convention Center Address

Pennsylvania Convention Center

1101 Arch Street

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

Phone: 215-418-4700

北京隆福佳生物科技有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 北京市石景山区政达路2号CRD银座12-25

联系人: 唐经理

电 话: 010-68647489、88653537

传 真: 010-68647489-801


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